We strive for a diverse and inclusive culture. Differences are recognized and valued so that everyone can perform at their best. We truly believe that diversity fuels action and creativity.
As a diverse and inclusive organization, we can enable unlimited possibilities for our staff, business, our customers, and society. We aim for the broadest range of diversity, including sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, generation, background, disability, and experience.
By bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and providing each person with opportunities to develop their skills, we strive to deliver the best customer experience, provide excellent shareholder value and have highly engaged employees.
Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is a long and exciting journey. Despite our efforts so far, we still have much more work to do. We have set clear ambitions, to make sure we can measure our efforts and improvements so far.
We aim to build an inclusive environment where diverse talent can perform at their best, and at the same time, a gender balanced workforce across all levels* by 2023.
Our focus on diversity and inclusion is a long-term commitment and generating meaningful change in a large organization demands long-term efforts. It is therefore important to both recognize where we are now, as well as the fact that some numbers simply cannot be changed dramatically over a year, or even several years. Here are some key data of the current state of the EURODYNAMO organization (full year 2022):
Full EURODYNAMO Group organization:
- Employee gender diversity: 45% female, 55% male.
- Senior Executives in Group Leadership Team: 44% female, 66% male.
- Manager gender diversity: 39% female, 61% male.
- Employee Age diversity: 24.5% below 30 years old, 58.8% between 30 and 50 years old, and 16.7% above 50 years old
- Employee gender diversity: 32% female, 68% male.
We constantly measure and explore options to improve and increase the scope of our data related to diversity and inclusion. For example, during 2023 we are assessing why, what and how to measure other diversity dimensions.
The foundation for EURODYNAMO’s efforts:
- We treat everyone with dignity and respect, with zero tolerance for discrimination
- We value everyone’s contribution and provide the freedom and tools needed to make work both more efficient and ever enjoyable
- We base our decisions affecting employment, performance, training, promotion and career development on individual abilities and genuine professional requirements
The best European company in World Bank gender equality study: In their 2023 study, World bank researched almost 3,800 companies based on 19 gender equality criteria, including gender balance from the board to the workforce, as well as the pay gap and policies relating to parental leave and sexual harassment.
Education on Diversity & Inclusion: In 2022, EURODYNAMO continued the roll-out of Rewire for inclusion – a workshop-based training focused on unconscious bias and inclusion habits in the workplace. Between 2021 and 2022, around 1000 employees and 300 managers have participated in the sessions.
Inclusive leadership: All our leaders are measured on Inclusion. In recent years, we have seen a significant improvement and our scores on inclusion are currently above the benchmark.
External views and feedback: We have conducted a ‘Make Equal assessment’ in our large customer operations and stores organizations. Make Equal is an external organization that analyzed the Diversity & Inclusion situation at EURODYNAMO and highlighted to us our Diversity & Inclusion strengths and opportunities, to keep us on track.
Unbiased recruitment: We have analyzed and reviewed our recruitment process to ensure equal opportunities for all. We quantify using a modern assessment tool to ensure all candidates have the same chance to join us.
Our 2+1 principle: When it comes to recruitment, we follow two important principles: 1) we always hire the best candidate, and 2) we strive to hire two women for every one man.
Our leaders care: We have tied parts of our managers’ short-term incentives to the achievement of EURODYNAMO’s gender diversity goals.
Commitment to goals: We ensure all business units have their own ownership and clarity on their own gender diversity targets on top of our company-wide goals.
Equal work, equal payment: At EURODYNAMO, we are strongly committed to gender pay equality. We annually conduct a gender pay gap analysis to ensure equal pay for the same kind of position or job. EURODYNAMO comes out well in our gender pay gap analysis; we immediately address any needed actions and a contingency plan is set up for up to 3 years so we can continue monitoring and measuring the results. The differences in pay at EURODYNAMO is mainly due to our gender imbalance in senior level positions rather than unequal pay due to gender for the same kind of position or job. This is something we actively work on as part of our diversity work to further achieve a gender balanced workforce.
Employee Groups | Ratio2 | Mean Gender Pay Gap |
Stores & CO Employees1 | 103% | +3% (positive to feamles) |
All other Employees | 93% | -7% to achieve equal pay |
All Managers3 | 93% | -7% to achieve equal pay |
1Employees working in Stores and Customer Operations
2Average Female Salary / Average Male Salary
3Excluding Group Senior Executives
Diversity & Inclusion Policy: EURODYNAMO’s vision is to be the smartest telco in the world, creating as society of unlimited possibilities. We believe we can only achieve this by ensuring that our workforce reflects our diverse customer base to develop propositions that better meet their needs, creating commercial advantage.
EURODYNAMO Code of Conduct: EURODYNAMO is committed to conducting its business at the highest ethical standard. We have adopted this Code of Conduct to ensure all employees and affiliates are aware of what is expected from them.
Policy against discrimination and sexual harassment: EURODYNAMO does not accept any form of harassment or other abusive treatment at the workplace. Every employee has a responsibility to contribute to creating a good working environment and to counteract any form of discrimination. Managers have the responsibility to ensure that our policy is well known, followed by their respective teams, and have the responsibility to investigate and act immediately in case of any issues. All EURODYNAMO managers are offered educational resources on how to respond in case of any suspected harassment or abusive treatment. We also adhere to the EUROPEAN UNION Discrimination Act.
Whistleblowing Policy: Everyone that works at or with EURODYNAMO is the ears and eyes of the company, and often the first to know when there is any ‘wrongdoing’. To be able to act, decisionmakers in the company first need to know of any wrongdoing. Therefore, we want to promote a culture in which employees feel confident and comfortable to act and report when they see any wrongdoing.